MMP의 코리아 : 더 포가튼 워

두 번째 MMP사의 게임이자 마지막이 될 것이다. MMP사의 게임들이 절대로 가볍지 않고,

그나마 가벼운 걸 고르고 싶어도 없다. 있어도 뭐가 뭔지 모르고.. ㅡㅡ;;;

아~~~ 흑담이 한테 배운 스톰 오버 스탈린그라드가 있네. 첫 나의 워게임 플레이였고,

게임도 쉬웠다. 그리고 내가 워게임이 체질이라는 걸 알게된 계기이기도 하다.

Storm Over Stalingrad (2006)

박스 표지에 나와 있는 동상에 대해: 스탈린그라드 전투를 상징하는 바르말레이 분수(Barmaley fountain)를 찍은 사진. 브이 포 벤데타시계태엽 오렌지에서도 나오는 유명한 동상으로, 1950년대에 철거되어 사라졌다가 2013년 8월에 다시 만들어졌다. 스탈린그라드 전투 당시 소련군의 유명한 저격수인 바실리 자이체프를 그린 영화 에너미 앳 더 게이트 초반부에 바실리가 총알 다섯발로 독일군 다섯명을 저격하는 장면에서 바실리가 숨어 저격한 분수도 바로 이 곳이다.콜 오브 듀티:월드 앳 워 에서 에너미 앳 더 게이트의 오마주격으로 나온 스나이핑 장면도 여기다. 게임 코만도스 3의 러시아 첫 임무에도 이 분수가 등장한다. - 출처 앤하위키

뭐 잠시 이야기가 다른데로 빠졌지만, 나에게 기억될 만한 게임인건 분명하다. 

자. 그럼 오늘의 주제인 코리아 : 더 포가튼 워 오픈~~~박~~~~~~~~~~~~쓰! ^^

(이번엔 아예 컨셉을 잡아서 오픈박스를 한다. 이런 아들의 모습이 너무 귀엽게 내가 놀아 주는게 
아니라 아들이 날 즐겁게 해주는 것 같아서 너무 기분이 좋다. 오픈 박스를 하는 아들

이번에 재 발매한 박스 표지이다.(내가 구매한 것)

이것은 이 전에 발매한 막스 표지이다. 

표지 박스 두 가지를 비교해 보면 다른 그림은 다 똑같은데 이 전 판의 판초의를 입은 군인이 빠지고,

행군하는 보병과 탱크로 바뀐거 빼고는 똑같다.

박스 뒷면이다.

안그래도 분단의 아픔을 격고 있는 우리에게 이렇게 3등분을 내놨다. 나름 분단의 고통이 한층 더 한다.

3장의 맵을 합체한 모습이다.상당히 큰데...

세로 170센티미터

가로 80센티미터이다.

웬만한 여자들은 이 맵안에 들어가서 낮잠 자도 된다.

카운터들.....생각보다 카운터가 많지는 않았다..난 한 대 여섯장은 있지 않나? 생각했는데...아쉽.

이것은 시리즈 룰북 OCS(Operational combat Series)이다. 

OCS관련 게임들은 이 룰북이 기본적으로 필요하다.

이것은 포가튼 워를 즐기기위한 추가 룰북

아직 MMP관련 게이 룰북을 번역해 본적은 없지만, 제발 룰북이 친절하길 바란다. ㅡㅡ;;;

2인플에 대해 각각 1장씩 가지는 차트

주사위 2개!... 뭔가 아쉬워 빨간 주사위를 흰 주사위 위에 세워봤다.

이 게임은 장식품이 되지 않을 것이다. 나름 유저층도 있고, 나만 룰북을 열심히 보면

같이 할 사람들도 꽤나 있다. ㅡㅡ;; 열심히 해보자.

하우스 디바이디드

미국 남북 전쟁을 다룬 워게임이다. 이 회사 제품으로는 

Test of fire, Clash of Silo 이렇게 3가지가 있다. 모두 미국 남북 전쟁을 다룬 테마 게임이다.

하우스 디바이디드가 조금 다른 점은 PtoP시스템으로써 전략 게임이라는 것!

GMT사의 PtoP 시스템 게임이랑 비슷하다. 자세한건 더 이상 묻지 말자. 나도 잘 모른다. ^^;;

또 다른 점은 카드가 없다는 것과 미국을 세로로 분활해서 오른쪽 지역에 해당하는

맵이라는 점. 위에서 말한 두 게임은 남북 전쟁 중에서 어느 한 지역의 

전투를 다루고 있다면, 이 게임은 전역을 거의 다룬다는 점이다.

자! 내용물을 한 번 살펴보자.

(아들과 함께하는 내용물 살펴보기. 이전의 기쁨을 이제는 아들이 누리고 있다. ㅡㅡㅋ;;;)

박스 전면이다. 링컨을 가운데 두고 왼쪽이 북군, 오른쪽이 남군으로 

쌍방의 세력 싸움이라는 걸 한눈에 알 수 있따.

쿨스텁에서 구매를 했었는데, 이렇게 박손이 오기는 처음이다.젠장!

다행이 내용물에는 뭐 지장이 없으니...걍 봐주자.

왼쪽이 게임보드이고 오른쪽이 기본 요약 룰과 고급 요약및 룰북이다.

룰에는 기본 룰과 고급 룰이 존재한다.

카운터다. 테스트 오브 파이어와 크래쉬 오브 실로 두개의 게임보다 카운터 수는 많다.

대신에 카드는 없다. 카드 없는 게임이 점점 더 좋아진다. GMT게임이 좀 맘에 안드는 점은

늘 카드 드리븐을 해야 한다는 것. 게임의 다양성과 전략성을 줄 수도 있겠지만, 

영어의 압박도 부담이고 매번 카드들고 고민해야 한다는 점은 거느적 거리는 부분이다.

주사위 4개.

위에서 말한 두 가지의 트레이와 똑같다. 구성물과는 전혀 상관없는 트레이.

뭐 상관은 없지만, 구성물을 다 넣으면 박스가 다 닫아 지지 않는다. 그게 좀 아쉽다.

전체 구성물은 단촐하다. 가격만큼 단촐하다. 게임은 해봐야 겠지만,

게임까지 너무 단촐하지 않기를 바랄 뿐이다. 뭐 그래도 상관없다. 주로 아들과 할꺼니까.

오더 카드, 행운 카드, 전략 카드 참조판 및 턴 진행 판:


사용법: 사진에서 보시다 시피 디데이에서 어떤 카드들은 조건에 따라 게임 중에

제거 되는 카드들이 있다. 그런 카드를 참조판에서 저렇게 표시를 해 두면 편하다.

그리고 상단에 턴 진행 마커를 표시해 두는 것도 편하고 좋다.

참조판에 있는 행운 카드 내용은 서두만 요약해 뒀는데 행운카드만 따로 보드판에 두고

해당 턴에 사용되는 카드를 가져와 플레이 하면 되겠다.

한 번 써보시면 아시겠지만 굉장히 편하고 유용함을 느끼실 수 있을 꺼예요. ^^ㅋ;;;

장식품 하나 구매했다. ㅡㅡㅋ;;;

사실 플레이 하고 싶지만, 언어부족, 능력부족 도무지 플레이 할 상황은 아니지만,

뭐 로망이라 치자! 언젠가 좀 더 깊숙히 연구할 날일 오것지.

셋트 완성했다. 뿌듯! ^^;;

이것이 두꺼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~운 ASL 룰북이다. 진짜 두껍다.

이렇게 두껍다.


처 페이지 카운터 예제와 각종 참조시트

참조 시트들

이만큼이 참조 시트다. 

지형에 대한 설명이 보인다.

보병과 기본 게임 규칙(기본적으로 이부분은 무조건 봐줘야 한다)

물론 이넘도 같이 봐줘야한다. 지형이니. 쩝.

포병에 대한 규칙들

탱크등 비클에 대한 규칙들

공수, 비행등등에 대한 규칙서

컴스텀 게임을 만들기 위한 규칙서

게임은 카운터로 이루어져 있지만 미니어처로 바꾸기위한 내용들을 다루는 듯

분대장 훈련 메뉴얼이다. 이러다 군바리 될 듯 하다.

찾아보기인데 인데스 내용만 해도 ㄷㄷㄷ 하다.

뒷부분에 노트라고 딸랑 한장 있는데... 뭘 노트하라는 걸까? 궁금하다.

제일 뒷장. 역시 카운터 예제가 있다.

요렇게 장식해놔야지....

룰북 없는 게임박스로 시나리오와 카운터가 들어 있다. 물론 주사위도 있다.

두껑을 열면 단촐해 보인다. 그러나....

이렇게 맵을 구성하는 맵이

이만~~~~~~~~~~~~큼 있다. 10장이 들어 있다.

주사위는 4개 들어 있다.8미리 작은 싸이즈다.

24가지의 시나리오가 있다. 앞뒷면으로 구성되어 있다.

세끼 손톱만한 카운터가 엄청나게 있다.

이렇게.... 펀칭만 일주일은 걸릴듯

가공 병종에 따른 카운터 들이 존재한다.

이만~~~~~~~~~~~큼 있다. 15장이던가? 그렇다.

다 들어내고 나면 이렇게....

뭐든지 셋트로 있어야 뽀대가 나나 보다. 

언젠가 꼭 제대로 해보고 싶다. 그런 날이 올까?

'Wargame > Open Box' 카테고리의 다른 글

Korea : The Forgotten War Open Box  (0) 2014.10.14
A House Dividied Open Box  (0) 2014.10.14
Risk 2210 A.D. (리스크) Open Box and Fun  (0) 2014.09.11
Kemet (케메트 - 고대 이집트) Open box  (0) 2014.09.11
A&A 1941 Open Box  (0) 2014.08.29

Korea: The Forgotten War

(Multi-Man Publishing,  No,  New)    $62.99

House Divided Board Game

(Mayfair Games,  No,  New)    $27.00

War of the Ring 2nd Ed. Gandalf Card Box...   

(Ares Games,  No,  New)    $10.29

Line of Sight and Wargames

In my designer’s blog, I wrote a series of entries about line of sight in wargames. If it came out well, it was always my intent to edit and assemble it into an essay for the design section of the sight. As it happened, I thought it came out pretty well, and so here it is.


Line of sight is one of the classically hard problems to solve in wargame design. This essay looks at line of sight to see what makes it so hard, and to suggest a new approach that might prove more fruitful than the traditional wargame approach to the problem.

The Traditional Approach

To begin the discussion, let’s review how wargames normally handle line of sight:

The above example is a trivial wargame line of sight problem: There is no blocking terrain between the cannon and the target, and they are both on the same elevation, so the line of sight is clear. The cannon can see and fire at the target. Let's take a look at the situation in profile, so we can see what is being modeled:

Now, far be it from me to say that there is nowhere in the world that isn’t exactly like this, but much more common are cases where the ground has gentle undulations, standing fields of crops, tall grass, patches of trees and bushes, fences, and so on. Wargames in general don’t show any vegetation less significant than actual forests, and ignore any hill less than 10 meters high. Now, the problem here it only takes 2 meters in height of stuff to hide a human target, and the longer the distance you try to cover, the more likely you’ll find something 2 meters or more in height that does exactly that. And so, what appears to be an easy line of sight problem is only easy because the game leaves out all the things that would make it complicated — and which could give the opposite answer as to whether or not the cannon could see and fire at the target:

Part of the problem here is of course that wargame maps just plain don’t have the detail required to model “flat” ground well, and not just a little short: really, they would need to increase the vertical map detail by about 10x in order to have the raw map data needed. Where things get sticky is that that level of map detail doesn’t usually exist in the sources themselves. Where things get stickier is that the rules modeling to take advantage of more detail would greatly complicate and slow down play.

The above example, only deals with the problem of “flat” ground. What about ground that isn’t flat?

Before beginning, let’s get a trivial matter out of the way. Absolute elevation (as in height above sea level) is of no importance whatsoever in line of sight. The two examples below are exactly the same, even though they occur at different elevations:

Now, I don’t know of any wargames that have trouble with this. Everybody knows that absolute elevation doesn’t matter, and everybody gets it right without any difficulty. Now, let’s take a look at relative elevation, when the ground isn’t flat and the cannon and target are at different heights. Here is how that might look in a wargame that includes elevation contours:

And now let’s take a look at what the above example represents in cross-section:

The interesting thing is that the above cross-section is just our old friend, the flat ground cross-section, just tilted. Relative elevation, as such, made no difference either to line of sight. Of course, the ground would be unlikely to be really this straight a line, no more than it would in the flat ground example. Really, it would likely be more like this:

Which is just our old friend, the real-world “flat” ground, just tilted. So, as it turns out, not only do we not care about the absolute elevation, we don’t care about relative elevation either — at least, we don’t care about relative elevation when we are talking about just the firer and the target. We only get useful line of sight data when we include the elevation of a third point: a potential obstacle.

For the moment, let’s forget about the ground clutter that is below our game’s map resolution and just take a look at the big stuff, such as a hill tall enough to actually show on a wargame map. For our first example, let’s go back to having the firer and target on the same elevation, and introduce a big hill between them. We’ll see how it looks on the wargame map and what it represents (ignoring real-world ground clutter):

Now, so far, so good, right? We can easily see on the wargame map that with the cannon and the target at 590 yds. elevation, and a hill at 600 yds. elevation between them, that there is no line of sight.

But what about a more complex problem? What about the very common case where the cannon and the target are not at the same elevation, what then?

The problem of line of sight where the shooter and the target are not on the same elevation has been where wargame line of sight tends to simply break down. The mathematics of calculating whether a given obstacle blocks the line of sight to a given target can be expressed in a variety of different ways, but basically amounts to comparing the vertical angle from the shooter to the target and comparing it to the vertical angle from the shooter to the obstacle to see which is greater.

Comparing the vertical angles requires comparing ratios of the difference in elevation between the shooter and the target, the shooter and the potential obstacle, the horizontal distance between the shooter and the target, and the shooter and the potential obstacle. Since the calculation will require multiple decimal places of accuracy, even though it is simple in theory, it is far to computationally complex for a boardgame.

Worse still, however, is the fact that to give the right answers it requires the correct elevations; the approximate elevations used in board games give rise to a variety of odd effects. For example, here is the illustration we used earlier for a smooth slope:

Plugging its numbers literally into the line of sight formula named above represents the smooth slope not as smooth, but as a sort of ziggurat:

Each “step” in the ziggurat creates a blind spot near the step where the corner of the step obscures line of sight in both directions, blind spots that only exist because approximate elevations were used. To compare the vertical angles, we can’t get decent answers with approximate elevations. We would need to add interpolations for the heights between the elevation steps and adjusters for the height of the shooter and targets themselves. The whole exercise is just impossible and collapses under its own weight.

To review: There are two problems with line of sight in boardgames. The first is that they have too little data to give good answers on “flat” ground, and can’t use the data they do have on sloped ground because of overwhelming computational complexity. Faced with this problem, one can understand why the designer, in the line of sight rules for the third edition of Three Days at Gettysburg, wrote: “We’ll try to keep this as simple and basic as possible...There are sure to be anomalies: try to solve them based on the underlying principles these rules portray.” Now this is about as clear an example as you’re likely to find of a designer simply throwing up his hands in despair (and this is after three editions of the game and two editions of its predecessor, Terrible Swift Sword) and leaving it up to the players to fix the game.

Now, I wouldn’t want you to think that by mentioning Three Days at Gettysburg above I was singling it out for abuse. Actually, I think the rules text just acknowledged that the line of sight methodology it (and many, many other games as well) used had come to a sort of dead-end: not really satisfactory, but with no obvious way forward. I don’t think that TDAG had worse line of sight rules than other games; it was just more frank about its limitations.

So, what is to be done? Can anything be done? Obviously I think so. The whole premise of this essay is that something can be done.

Starting Over

Now, we have seen that the way we have been going has led to a dead end. So, let’s go back to the beginning and take a fresh look at the problem.

(1) If the ground were perfectly flat, then line of sight would have no definite limit. Of course, minimally, the earth is round, not flat (a point that seldom matters on land but which matters very much at sea). The reason that the earth's shape limits line of sight is that it is a convex curve. Now, what is interesting is that any convex curve will do this, not just the convex curve produced by the shape of the earth. This is because the curve of the ground rises up and blocks the line of sight from the shooter to the target.

(2) In previous entries, we talked about ground clutter: small (less than 4 meter) variations in elevation, standing fields of crops, tall grass, patches of trees and bushes, fences, etc. Ground clutter is limits line of sight, even on “flat” ground. Now, what enables a shooter to see over ground clutter is when the shape of the earth is concave, dropping the clutter below the line of sight from the shooter to the target.

(3) So, to build on this principle, rather than try and identify ground first by elevation, let’s start by identifing it by general ground shape. Areas of ground will be identified as either convex or concave: hill or valley.

The Guns of Gettysburg

In fact, this is the first-order basis for the map of The Guns of Gettysburg. The ridges and hills on the battlefield are positions while the valleys are the areas. This version of the GoG map, with non-ridge positions stripped out (we’ll talk about non-ridge positions in a later blog entry) shows you how this theory was applied to create the map design of an actual game. (As a side note, I also left in obstructed posititions, since they have their own large role to play in line of sight.)

Gettysburg Hills

(Click on the image to go to open it in its own window.)

The importance of the ridges on the above map to the battle of Gettysburg can be seen by this map showing on it the main defensive lines the Union army took during the course of the battle:

Essentially, the battle of Gettysburg was a series of fights for ridge-lines. If the Union lost one, they fell back to another. Further, Confederate attacks typically consisted of setting up on the ridge line opposite the Union, and then attacking across the valley in between their ridge line and the Union ridge line. The critical nature of the ridges to the battle of Gettysburg is almost impossible to overstate. So, in the previous entry we proposed a map system which differentiated terrain first by whether it was convex or concave and built the Gettysburg map on that principle. Was it a success?

Not entirely.

There are several problems with the map as shown above. First, it has no mechanisms for regulating movement: it cannot answer the simple question of how far a unit can move. Second, the map cannot represent the important tactic of flanking a ridge position, forcing the enemy to defend across floor of a valley in order to protect his flank and rear. Third, the map has no mechanism for regulating fields of fire, both in terms of range and firing angle. All of these things, taken together, required non-ridge positions, which were added to make the final map:

Still, as a first order solution to the problem of line of sight, simply differentiating between convex and concave ground proved remarkably successful. (I think.) There is one thing, however, that the map design did not naturally handle well, and that is the case where fire went from one ridge to another, over an intervening lower ridge. Now, because of the limits of weapon ranges, this was much less of a problem than it might seem. Really, there are only a few places on the map where this is possible, and those were handled by the dotted special line-of-sight lines on the map.

In any case, the result is a map which can handle complex line of sight in a math-free way. To a considerable extent, that is because line-of-sight calculations are built into the map design itself. The map does the work, so that the players don’t have to.

Better Line of Sight on a Hex Map

Now, the map for GoG was specially designed to accomodate line of sight. But what about normal hex grid maps? Could they use the same system? Further, is GoG the best that can be done, or is it possible to do even better? The answers, I think, are yes, no, and yes.

As with any game, GoG is a compromise among multiple competing goals. Accurate line of sight was a goal, but not the only goal, and consequently the game’s line of sight rules were limited in some ways in order to achieve other desired features of the game, such as design targets for scale, complexity, and playing time.

The principles underlying the line of sight rules, however, do not depend on any of the distinctive design features of GoG. We could just as easily apply them to a hex-grid based game at different scale. By way of example, below you can see a portion of the GoG map with a hex grid overlaid onto it. This grid is close to the map scale of Three Days at Gettysburg, though I haven’t attempted to make it an exact match.

Now, a hex grid of this scale would require a much larger map than GoG possesses, or REALLY small pieces to fit in such small hexes, but it does show how a different scale and terrain model can result in higher resolving power. For example, the spur at the northern end of Cemetery Hill can be resolved by the hex grid as a half-dozen or so hexes, but cannot be resolved at all by the areas of GoG due to the areas’ larger size. (Of course, hexes have their own issues, but our purpose here is to demonstrate how to apply the LOS system to a different style of game map, not to get into the various pluses and minuses of hex grid vs. area designs. That is a discussion I may take up at some future date, but not now.)

Anyway, before we start, I want to try to break the spell of the arbitrary contour intervals in the map. Because we can see 20-foot intervals on this map and we can’t see any others, we find it very hard to resist the idea that the location of these intervals is important, even though we know, that if the mapmaker had put in intervals at 630, 610, 590, 570 yards, etc. instead of 620, 600, 580, and 560, we would be looking at lines where we now see gaps and gaps where we now see lines. One possible antidote is this map of the same area, with many more contours, and none of them privileged with special markings:

One of the things we can see on the above map is that there is actually a good-sized hill on Cemetery Ridge, south of Cemetery Hill proper, which is completely invisible on the map with contours only at 20-foot intervals. What appears on the 20-foot contour map as a large plateau south of Cemetery Hill is actually an illusion created by lack of detail: The “plateau” actually consists of a hill and the meeting of two ridge lines, with the beginning of a valley between them that deepens as it goes north.

The importance of not being hypnotized by the location of contour lines is because to build our LOS map, what we want to find are the ridges and valleys: the convex ridges that will block fire across them, and the concave valleys where ridge-to-ridge fire over them is unimpeded by ground clutter. So, let’s make a map that marks convex vs. concave rather than specific elevations:

Now, this is a rough-sketch, and if I were actually designing the game rather than writing an essay as a design exercise, I would wat to review this map carefully. As it is, however, it will do to make my point. Simple as this is, it catches a large percentage of the important line-of-sight features of this part of the battlefield.

Before improving it, let’s consider what the basic rules should be. First, we need to take into account ground clutter. Since we don’t have the map accuracy to depict it, in our back-of-the-envelope game design, we will plan for reduced fire range and effectiveness by units firing from valley hex to valley hex (as well as a lesser penalty for firing from valley hex to ridge hex). Second, we will not permit fire (or at least aimed fire: our game might or might not permit unaimed fire) from a valley over a ridge into another valley (a valley-ridge-valley sequence), or aimed fire in ridge-valley-ridge-valley sequence (either direction).

With these rules in mind, we can see one deficiency already: Cemetery Hill’s line of sight is obstructed by the low ridge to its northwest, but on the actual battlefield Cemetery Hill is high enough to see over it. Now, one way to fix this is by basically the same method we used on the GoG area map: we mark off areas (for valleys and hills) on top of the hex grid, and then use special line of sight lines to indicate exceptions. And really, this would work fine. However, because this is a design exercise, and we’ve already seen that method, let’s use a different method: we’ll mark off some ridge hexes as being “dominant hills” that can see over other ridges and down into the valleys behind them, like so:

Now frankly, this method is less flexible than the exception method, but it takes less map markup and is probably easier for players to see. If you don’t need the additional flexibility, this would be the way to go. Now, one thing worth noting about this: we are not indicating absolute elevation, but local prominence. The Gettysburg battlefield, for example, generally slopes upward from the southeast to the northwest corner. An absolute elevation that is high ground on the southeast corner of the map is low ground on the northwest corner. As we only care about local dominance, it is perfectly possible that the same elevation could be dominant in one part of the map and not dominant in another, depending on the height of the surrounding terrain.

Now this map is quite a bit better, but at this scale we should really be thinking about not just capturing the tops of the ridges, but capturing the forward vs. the reverse slope. Military units do not generally deploy on the very tops of ridges; they deploy slightly lower, on what is called the “military crest”, where they are not silhouetted against the sky and the view of the ground at the base of the ridge is better. The following illustration shows this:

Now the interesting thing about the military crest for our purposes is there are two of them, one on each side of the ridge. Depending on the game scale, the difference between the topographic crest and the two military crests may or may not be worth capturing. At this scale, we can reasonably represent it, so let’s do so. We’ll mark the ridge tops with a double line of hexes, for the forward and reverse slope military crests, with a line between them marking the topographic crest. (We don’t need to use a hex to mark the topographic crest, since it is wrong for the scale, and units don’t occupy it anyway.) We will also amend our rules to block line of sight across a topographic crest except from an adjacent hex or from a non-adjacent dominant hill.

Now, the above is a pretty good LOS map of the area, with simple rules and very good results. The map shows ridge positions, forward and reverse slopes, and dominant positions like Cemetery Hill. Further, with the ground-clutter fire penalties for valleys, the rules will strongly incline players towards the sort of tactics that the armies historically adopted. If even better results were desired, they could be obtained for only a modest effort. The use of areas and line of sight exceptions used by GoG, for example, are a very flexible tool that this design doesn’t even use, but could use if desired.


Now, I think I have demonstrated a better way to treat line of sight than is generally used in wargames, but I do not suppose that this is the best that can be done. In discussing this approach, it is my wish to do three things: (1) To give designers an alternative to the traditional approach, (2) to encourage them to see if they can take this basic approach and push it even farther than I have done, either in terms of making it more accurate or easier to use, or both, and (3) to encourage them to think that if one new approach can do better, that with some imagination perhaps they can come up with an entirely new approach of their own that is even better than the approach described above.

1. 재조정 ( Realignments )

2. AR 7 전술 ( The AR 7 Play )

3. 우주경쟁 ( The Space Race )

4. 리셔플 ( Reshuffles )

5. 이벤트 VS 작전 ( Events VS Operations )

6. 데프콘 ( DEFCON )

7. 첫 번째 턴 ( Turn 1 )

8. 초기 설정 ( Opening Setup )

다이브다이스 BK_LOVE님의 한글 룰북 링크   <--- 클릭하세요.

카드 한글 해설집 다운로드:


고! 고고고! 고고고! 나가자 파워 레인져~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ㅡ,.ㅡ;;;

'Wargame > Open Box' 카테고리의 다른 글

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ㅡ,.ㅡ;; 플레이를 해봐야 할 텐데.....

'Wargame > Open Box' 카테고리의 다른 글

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